Sunday, 26 January 2014

Double Page Spread Research & LIIAR Analysis

NME-Double Page Spread Research:

NME Double Page Spread Research:

Both of the double page spreads are from NME magazines.

L- Media Language/ Conventions (see images above)

I-NME is published by IPC media.  IPC,  is a very well knowing and leading magazine publisher. NME was first published in March 1952, and there has been a new issue of the magazine out every week, ever since. IPC became an established building house in 1963. IPC are the parent company of Time INC and are located in London.  NME is the longest published and most respected weekly in the world. IPC is the UK's leading consumer magazine publisher and IPC works in partnership with its consumers, advertisers and business partners, to deliver innovation and creativity. IPC has award winning portfolio websites and they reach over 25 million users each year. NME is published by IPC inspire. IPC inspire has a wealth of leisure brands, as well as lifestyle brands such as NME. NME is a unique media platform as it reaches over 1 million music fans every week. Every month NME celebrates all that is new and old in rock music. 

I- New music express is released once a week. They aim to promote bands that aren’t yet popular but at one stage will be popular and they like to promote this before they are popular and so that they are ahead of everybody else. Both double page spreads stick to the colour scheme of NME, which shows that all of their magazines are kept consistent (Red, White and Black), this makes it easy for the audience to recognise the magazine when they see it. NME is a music magazine. The magazine mainly consists of pop and rock magazine, which you can tell from looking at this double page spread. NME focuses on artists, such as Lily Allen, that were big in the past and allows people to see how they were successful in the past. NME is now one of the world’s biggest music sites, with over 7 million users per month. Every if people have never heard of the band on the second double page spread, they are still likely to buy the magazine as they have an interest in this genre of music. NME are very Unique as there aren’t many magazines that promote this genre of music, which makes people more interested in reading their magazines as they are different to everyone else and ‘stand out from the crowd’.

A- NME is mainly targeted at teenage boys who are interested in this genre of music. The magazine is aimed at predominantly British people and 70% of the readers are men and the other 30%  are women. However, some teenage girls may be interested in the magazine, depending on that genre of music they like. IPC, describes NME as having a male target audience. The magazine mainly focuses on today's music. Also, because they use artists and groups from the past in their magazines, it will make people interested because teenagers won't really be aware that much about groups and artists from the past and how successful they were. The IPC website states "NME.COM is the world’s biggest standalone music site serving an intensely engaged audience of 16-24 year olds. A copy of NME normally costs £2.30 and has and an issue is released every week.

R- On the first double page spread, it feature Lily Allen and the second, features Florence Walsh. The pages reflect a house style, using a particular colour scheme (red, black and white). There is only 1 image on each of the double page spread which takes up most of the space because it is an older target audience; you don’t really need lots of images to attract them to read the magazine. The image takes up most of the page and the text is in the bottom corners of the pages, so that the first thing the reader sees when they look at the double page spread is the image and is makes them want to read on with the page. The most important details on the double page spread are in bold. 

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