Friday, 31 January 2014

Front Cover First Draft & Feedback

This is the first draft of my music magazine. This draft shows where I am going to place everything on my magazine. Before I started my draft, I had to research different front covers of magazines, this gave me an idea of how a magazine cover should be presented as I looked at other pop magazines and my genre is pop, it helped me to understand what I need to do to ensure that my magazine appeals to my target audience. Once I had researched and I had an idea of how my magazine cover should be set out, I could start creating a draft. This research helped me to decide where I am going to position each different magazine convention on the magazine cover. When designing this draft, I had to think about the different conventions of a magazine cover.

The conventions I included on the cover of my magazine included:

Banner: Front page headline which goes across the full width of the page.
Splash: Main story of the front page accompanied with the headline and a photograph.
Masthead: The title of the magazine at the top of the page, it will be big and bold. 
Headline: The main heading and the biggest font and related to the main story in the magazine
Date Line: Shows the date the magazine has been available from/ issue number
Cover Lines: summaries of the most enticing features and articles which are inside the magazine
Barcode: Shows the price of the magazine underneath. 

I first started with the banner, as this is allocated at the top of the magazine cover. Underneath the banner I placed the masthead of the magazine. This shows the titles of the magazine and has to stand out to catch the reader’s eye. In the centre of the page, I placed the main image, this image has to relate to the main story and must stand out from everything else on the page, it had to be bold and interesting. Now I had positioned the main compositions of the magazine cover on the page, I could work around these and place my barcode, cover lines and date line etc.

Front Cover First Draft:


Your first draft has been analysed very well, I think you just need to think about a few things when you're actually creating your front cover, using Photo Shop.

I think you need to ensure you use your front cover research and research a few other POP magazines, and see what conventions they use to attract their target audience. If you are only using one main image, you need to justify why you're only using one image.

What content are you going to include in your cover lines, you need to make sure you don't include to much information as this won't allow the main image to stand out. You also need to ensure that the font styles you use are consistent throughout your magazine to ensure that the magazine looks professional.

Are all of the buzz words necessary or do you only need to include a few? Also, make sure that the content included on the banner is necessary to the magazine, if your genre is POP; you need to make sure that the content on the banner is related to POP music. 

Sunday, 26 January 2014


I believe that there are many reasons why a barcode is an important feature of a magazine cover. A barcode makes it easier for the company producing the item to track and store information about goods. They provide many advantages as by having a barcode it means that you don't have to manually enter the information.
The barcode isn't just an advantage for the company producing the magazine, but it is also an advantage for the customer. By having a barcode on a product or in this case, a magazine cover, it allows the customer to see the price and the name of the product.
To create my barcode, I used The barcode includes the price of the magazine, which is £2.99. This is because it is a very reasonable price for my target audience. This is reflected in my survey where 90% of people said that they would pay up to £2.99 for a magazine. 

Below you will find the barcode for my magazine:

Double Page Spread Research & LIIAR Analysis

NME-Double Page Spread Research:

NME Double Page Spread Research:

Both of the double page spreads are from NME magazines.

L- Media Language/ Conventions (see images above)

I-NME is published by IPC media.  IPC,  is a very well knowing and leading magazine publisher. NME was first published in March 1952, and there has been a new issue of the magazine out every week, ever since. IPC became an established building house in 1963. IPC are the parent company of Time INC and are located in London.  NME is the longest published and most respected weekly in the world. IPC is the UK's leading consumer magazine publisher and IPC works in partnership with its consumers, advertisers and business partners, to deliver innovation and creativity. IPC has award winning portfolio websites and they reach over 25 million users each year. NME is published by IPC inspire. IPC inspire has a wealth of leisure brands, as well as lifestyle brands such as NME. NME is a unique media platform as it reaches over 1 million music fans every week. Every month NME celebrates all that is new and old in rock music. 

I- New music express is released once a week. They aim to promote bands that aren’t yet popular but at one stage will be popular and they like to promote this before they are popular and so that they are ahead of everybody else. Both double page spreads stick to the colour scheme of NME, which shows that all of their magazines are kept consistent (Red, White and Black), this makes it easy for the audience to recognise the magazine when they see it. NME is a music magazine. The magazine mainly consists of pop and rock magazine, which you can tell from looking at this double page spread. NME focuses on artists, such as Lily Allen, that were big in the past and allows people to see how they were successful in the past. NME is now one of the world’s biggest music sites, with over 7 million users per month. Every if people have never heard of the band on the second double page spread, they are still likely to buy the magazine as they have an interest in this genre of music. NME are very Unique as there aren’t many magazines that promote this genre of music, which makes people more interested in reading their magazines as they are different to everyone else and ‘stand out from the crowd’.

A- NME is mainly targeted at teenage boys who are interested in this genre of music. The magazine is aimed at predominantly British people and 70% of the readers are men and the other 30%  are women. However, some teenage girls may be interested in the magazine, depending on that genre of music they like. IPC, describes NME as having a male target audience. The magazine mainly focuses on today's music. Also, because they use artists and groups from the past in their magazines, it will make people interested because teenagers won't really be aware that much about groups and artists from the past and how successful they were. The IPC website states "NME.COM is the world’s biggest standalone music site serving an intensely engaged audience of 16-24 year olds. A copy of NME normally costs £2.30 and has and an issue is released every week.

R- On the first double page spread, it feature Lily Allen and the second, features Florence Walsh. The pages reflect a house style, using a particular colour scheme (red, black and white). There is only 1 image on each of the double page spread which takes up most of the space because it is an older target audience; you don’t really need lots of images to attract them to read the magazine. The image takes up most of the page and the text is in the bottom corners of the pages, so that the first thing the reader sees when they look at the double page spread is the image and is makes them want to read on with the page. The most important details on the double page spread are in bold. 

Contents Page Research & LIIAR Analysis

Top of the pops- Magazine Contents page:

L- Media Language/ Conventions (see image above)

I- Top of the pops magazine is published by Immediate Media Company. BBC top of the Pops magazine is published by immediate media company London who are limited under licence from the BBC worldwide who help to fund the BBC. BBC Top of the Pops magazine is the biggest-selling teen lifestyle title in the market, focusing on the world of celebrities. The magazine features the latest fashion, song lyrics, quizzes, celebrity gossip and the magazine brings readers exclusive and exciting content every four weeks. The magazine was launched in February 1995. The magazine is a supplementary magazine for the TV show Top of the pops; however, the TV show was cancelled in 2006.  Immediate Media Company is an award winning special interest content and Platform Company. They are one of the biggest consumer media businesses in the UK and the third largest magazine publisher in the UK. Immediate Media Company sells over 70 million magazines every year and reaches 22 million people online every month. Consumers engage with their 32 ecommerce (enable them to sell their magazines online) websites, which receive 30,000 transactions a month. Immediate Media Company combines their reputation for editorial quality with an integrated approach to help them to deliver multi-platform content.

I- The magazine features the genre of pop music and their aim is to reach their target audience and to get them to read as many magazines as possible as well as wanting them to enjoy reading the magazine. It wants to keep its audience up to date with the latest music. This is reflected in many different ways throughout the magazine. One way that it is reflected is through the colours, image and text used across the front cover, these colours and images represent a girly and pop outcome which is what the magazine is aiming for.

A- The target audience of Top of the Pops is young girls, between the age of 11 and 25, with a keen interest in pop music. 87% of people who read the magazine are girls and the other 13% are boys. This age range is reflected through the price of the magazine, which is £2.40, as well as the content that is included in the magazine. The price of the magazine is very important, especially for their target audience, as they do not have a personal income, so depend on parents/guardians to fund them, so the price of the magazine must be made affordable for everyone. They are accessible through all kinds of media (online and through a magazine), so it is important for them to include as much as they can to maintain its readers. The style and colours of the magazine make the appearance friendly to its young readers. The magazine also gives away free gifts and posters, which would attract the target audience. 

 R-Top of the pops magazine promoted the kind of artists that would appear on programmes such as Friday download, which are aimed at people between the ages of 11-14. The pages seem to reflect a house style, using a particular colour scheme, which gives the magazine identity. The varied use of images allows contrast, and shows the readers of the magazine that the magazine isn’t just about music, but it is also about other types of media too, which reflects the BBC being a multimedia corporation. Contents page is spit into boxes and highlight the most important details on the contents page which gives the reader less information to read. These highlighted details will also be relevant to the images.

 Q-Magazine Contents Page:

L- Media Language/ Conventions (see image above)

I- Q magazine is published by Bauer Media Group. Bauer media group is Britain's largest privately owned publishing group. The Group is a worldwide media empire and they offer over 300 magazines in 15 countries. Bauer Media is a multi-platform UK-based media Group which consist of many companies collected around two main divisions, these are Magazines and Radio and they are widely recognised innovators. Bauer media group say “Each issue will include a balance of bands and scenes to guarantee that we’re providing for our readers’ need for variety and their passionate appetite for their favourite bands as well as their desire to be introduced to new music within our world. “They always ensure that everything they produce is suitable for their target audience. They always focus on the biggest things that are happening in the world each week. Bauer Media currently spans over 80 influential brand names. The first issue of the magazine was published in October 1986 and has been released once a month ever since. 

I- Q is a popular music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom. There are many beliefs and values that the publisher of Q want the readers to see. The first thing that you can see is that they want to be an upmarket screen as their magazine is priced at £4.50, this also affects their target audience as this price is not going to appeal to everybody. The contents page features a very famous artist, which suggests that the magazine is very popular otherwise they wouldn't be used to promote the magazine. They print their magazines onto glossy, high quality paper, which shows how professional they are and how well-thought their design is. The Q brand has developed a worldwide reputation as a trusted and premium quality voice of musical authority among fans, musicians and the music industry. Everything that Q does, they aim to do for their readers. 

A- The main target audience, is between the age of 20-40, this is all due to the high cost of the magazine because people between the ages of 11-15, don’t really have a personal income so rely on parent/guardian support and may resort to a different magazine which they are more interested in reading whereas older people have paid jobs so can buy the magazine. Furthermore, the artists and models featured on the contents page of the magazine are of this age and this would therefore appeal to them, so they would purchase it to find out more about these people. The magazine isn’t aimed at a specific gender, which is represented through the neutral colour scheme, showing that it would appeal to both genders male and female.

R- The band featured on the front of the magazine are of the same age as the target audience. The pages reflect a house style, using a particular colour scheme (red, black and white). There are only 2 images because it is an older target audience; you don’t really need lots of images to attract them to read the magazine. The most important details on the contents page are in bold. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Justification Of Images

I took lots of potential photos that I could use for the front cover, contents page and my double page spread. However, it is not appropriate to use all of these images in my magazine, therefore, I had to come to a conclusion of what images I wanted to use for each element of my magazine and which images I did not want to use. 

I decided not to use this image in my magazine because the lighting doesn't catch the reader’s attention and wouldn't look very good on the cover of a magazine as it doesn't stand out to catch the reader’s attention.


I decided to use this image on my double page spread because I wanted to add something different to my double page spread. To do this, I added three images to the right side of my double page spread. I liked that the lighting used made the model stand out from the background and the Props used were not used in any other images throughout my magazine. 

I decided not to use the images above in my magazine because the models pose didn't conform the codes and conventions of other POP magazines and didn't justify who she is as a person. Also, this lighting in the image isn't very good and has a dark shadow going around the model which wouldn't make the model stand out to the reader.

I decided not to use the two images above because the model is not looking directly into the camera, which is not the camera angle that I wanted. I wanted an image where where the model is looking directly into the camera as this allows me to grab the readers attention and make the magazine look more inviting. 

I decided not to use this image in my magazine because if I used it as one of the background images on my front cover, there wouldn't be much room to write around the image as well as allowing the image to stand out. In addition to this, the shadow behind the model, doesn't allow her to stand out as much as she could and this wouldn't grab the reader’s attention.

The reason I didn't use this image on my double page spread, contents page or the front cover of my magazine is because although the lighting is good and focuses on the models face, the mise-en-scene isn't represented very clearly in the image (models clothing and props) which wouldn’t make the magazine very interesting to look at. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Planned Photo-Shoots

Shot type/angle/ distance
Flash and Lighting

Positioning on front cover/TOC
Details of editing
Beth Hayes
 Mid-shot level
Against a white background. The flash is required in this image to ensure that the image is kept looking professional and the image is clear.
Against a white background, this ensures that the main image and the text on the front cover stands out against this white background.
  The picture will be the biggest feature on the page and will be placed in the centre of the page.
I may edit some of the lighting on Photoshop to ensure that the models face isn't too bright and I might also change the background using Photoshop if I don’t like what the pain white background looks like on the front cover.
Beth Hayes
Close up of her face
The flash will be on but the camera will be far away and zoomed in as if you go too close to her face with the flash, it will come up to bright when the photo is taken. I have to make sure the camera is at least 1 meter away to prevent any exposure.
The image will be taken against a white background; however I might change the background of the image using Photoshop at another time.
The picture will be the biggest feature on the page and will be placed in the centre of the page.
I may have to turn the brightness up and down depending on what the image looks like on Photoshop. I may also change the background if the text doesn’t stand out against it.

Beth Hayes
High angle shot
The high angle shot will be focused on the face and the model will be looking into the camera, therefore the flash needs to be on to ensure that the models face can be seen as clear as possible.
The image will be taken against a plain white wall. However, you won’t really be able to see the background as the focus will be on the models face due to it being a high angle shot.
The picture will be the biggest feature on the page and will be placed in the centre of the page.
I may have to turn the brightness up and down depending on what the image looks like on Photoshop. I will also put a focal point on the models face.


My Photos

Shoot Date: 24/01/14

My Reason for having no background and just having a plain white background is because, especially for a POP magazine, where you want the artist/model to stand out, I believe that having a bright coloured or location as a background will take away the whole focus of the actual artist as a person and the attention won't be on the face of the model which is the first thing that you want the reader to see. Also, from researching other POP magazines I realised that there is no pop magazines that have a location as their background, they either all have a plain white background or a colour to match their house style. A plain white background not only allows the reader to focus on the model but makes the magazine look more professional like the photo's have been taken in a studio. This also ties in with my reason for having no/very minimal Props in any of my images. The only props I have used throughout my whole image is an Iphone, which the model is holding in one of the images, a flower crown, which the model is wearing in every image and sunglasses which the model is wearing in a few images. This is again because I didn't want props to take away the focus of the main artist, I wanted the whole focus of the magazine to be the model in the image.

Research of Poses

Whilst analysing magazine from covers for NME and Karrang, I realised that most of their shots are very simple medium close up shots of all of the models, therefore only showing their shoulders upwards. Most of the models on the magazine from cover also had very serious faces which depends on the headline and genre of your magazine, this will be different for every magazine, which is why the pose for the main image is a very important feature of a magazine front cover.

This front cover of kerrang has the 3 models staring directly into the camera and it is a medium close-up shot with only their faces showing. One thing i really like about the main image in this magazine is that it goes with the headline "we've made the album of our lives" which shows how serious they are about the album and how shocked they are as the on of the models on the right has his mouth wide open. Also, the clothing that the models are wearing are quite simple so that the focus is on their facial expressions. However, they are wearing all black/grey clothing and this represents the rock nature of the magazine. 

The front cover of this NME magazine is of Lily Allen. Again, the title of the magazine goes with the bold headline "Lily Allen-Takes on the world" with the white background the main focus is on the model in the main image. Her facial expression is a very serious one and her clothing is again very simple with the focus being on Lily Allen's face. It is a medium close-up shot only showing from the shoulders upwards. 

Whilst looking at the poses of top of the pop magazines (aimed at teenage girls), I noticed that all of the models look into the camera lens, ensuring that they are the main focus of the magazine and that they catch the readers eye. Also, both of the magazines have white backgrounds so that the whole focus is on the model and to make the magazine look more professional. All of the shots are mid shots from the shoulders upwards which makes the models face clear to see and allows the audience to understand who they are when they first look at the magazine cover. The clothing they are wearing in the photos, aren't too bright and outgoing, otherwise the audience would just focus on clothing and the writing around the model rather than the image of the actual model. 

When researching Billboard, I discovered that all of their magazines have a similar house style. As well, as top of the pops, all of their models look into the camera, allowing the audience to focus on the main model. There is a brighter light on the models face puts the focus on her face. This ensures that when the reader first looks at the magazine, they recognise the model straight away and realise how popular they are.
There will be one main model for the main image in the centre of the page for my magazine.

Final Decisions

What music genre and why? 

The music Genre that I have chosen to do is POP. The reasons I chose POP as my genre, is because:

·     There are lots of new and upcoming artists and bands that don’t feature in magazines, but people want to see them in magazines and know more about them. This means that all other POP magazines, feature popular well known artists and bands in their magazines as they know that people will like them and they will therefore be successful. I believe that there is a gap in the market for POP magazines featuring new artists and bands and this will allow me to develop a magazine with new artist that other magazines don’t go into much detail on.

·     It is one of the most popular and well-known music genres in the world, which means that this genre will appeal to a wide range of people.
·     I am interested in this style of music, therefore because I am aware of everything a pop magazine includes and what the style of music is like, this will be very beneficial, when I am creating the media product and it will allow me to complete this task to the best of my ability as I know about this style of music.
·     My questionnaire analysis showed that most people are interested in this type of music (65%). This will also link in with my target audience, if the majority of people that took my survey were girls; it tells me that most girls who took my survey are girls.
·     Therefore, because people are interested, it will attract more readers, rather than doing a magazine on Jazz that people aren't interested in as my survey showed (0%) of people are interested in Jazz.
·     People who read POP magazines like to keep up to date with the latest music and news, therefore, the content included inside this magazine will have this, which many others POP music magazines don’t have.
Who is your target audience and why?

I have chosen to aim my magazine at a predominant audience of females between the age of 15 and 19. This is because from research, I can see that this age range are people who are most likely to go to concerts and keep up to date with the latest music and who would be most likely to listen to this music, whereas an older person may be more interested in listening to other genres of music, so young people would be more interested in listening to pop music. This is also reflected in my survey because from my survey analysis, I can see that the majority of people who are interested in POP music range from age 16-19, this allows me to see who my magazine would most appeal to. Also, my survey showed that most girls are interested in pop rather than boys. Although, there is already a lot of competition in the market for POP magazines, from doing research, I believe that a lot of these magazines are aimed at a younger target audience and there isn't as many POP magazines open to older teenagers. I also believe that this is an appropriate age range because if you look at other POP music magazines such as ‘top of the pops’ which is aimed at a younger audience, the content inside these magazines aren’t just based on music, they include things such as fashion, which doesn’t really conform the codes and conventions of a ‘music magazine’, my magazine will be entirely based on music.

What research have you done to provide evidence for your decision?

My questionnaire helped me with a lot of the decision when deciding what magazine genre to do and what age range and what gender to aim the magazine at, this is because my survey results showed that 65% of the people who took my survey were interested in POP music. More than 70% of the people who took my survey were between the ages of 15-18. My survey also shows that people want to see a new magazine at least once a week, therefore there is a gap in the market, and if there isn't one each week, the information that they do find out about new pop music is always going to be a week late, which shows there is a gap in the market for this style of magazine. Pop music has an aim to “an aim of appealing to a general audience, rather than to a particular sub-culture or ideology”. It is aimed at most people and there isn't a magazine that normally does this. From my research, I can see that Pop magazines such as blender and top of the pops, normally feature more than one artist and focus the whole magazine on lots of different artists which can sometimes make the page look like it has too much content and too many images, which may make a reader choose a different magazine. Therefore I think it is important to have a pop magazine that just focuses on one artist. Although, I do understand how important it is to feature other artist and bands as this means that if the reader doesn’t like the artist featured in the main image, they might be interested in other artists inside the magazine. However, if you feature other artists, there does not need to be a picture of every artist that is going to be featured inside the magazine on the front cover as this can make the cover of the magazine look very cluttered.

Potential names for my magazine?

Most POP magazines have very unique and unusual names, this is very important in allowing your magazine to be recognisable to your target audience and to also allow the name of your magazine name to stand out among other POP magazines. To come up with potential names for my magazine, I used a thesaurus ( and typed in ‘POP’. When you think of ‘POP’ music, you think of loud, popular music, when researching potential names, I kept in mind that it is important to correlate the name of the magazine with the style of music that the magazine is going to be based on. When I types in ‘POP’ to the thesaurus, some potential names for a magazine that stood out to me, include:
  • Clash
  • Miss Pop
  • Loud
  • Roar
  • Explosion
  • Snap

The final name that I have chosen for my magazine is 'Miss POP', although this wasn't one of my ideas at first, I believe that is effective and stands out by linking in with my target audience, which is females ages 15-19. It also allows the audience to be aware of the genre of the music magazine, just by reading the name of my magazine. 

Potential artists to be interview for my magazine:

When researching other POP magazines, I looked at many of the artists that are featured inside these magazines and decided of some potential artists for my magazine. Some of the people that I am going to feature in my magazine are:
·        Beth Hayes
·        One Direction
·        5 Seconds Of Summer
·        Little Mix
·        Taylor Swift

What other magazines influenced your thinking?

To get some ideas about what I could include in my contents page, I researched many different music magazines that had the same genre as mine, which is pop. Magazines such as Billboard, top of the pops and bliss all influenced me and gave me ideas that I can incorporate into my magazine. Although, top of the pops is for a much younger audience compared to my target audience, the magazine still gave me ideas about what I could include in my magazine, such as what images of pop groups, Interviews and competitions etc. I got more ideas from pop magazines such as billboard and bliss as these are aimed more of an older teenage audience so I was able to gain more from researching these magazines. When doing the research about these pop magazines, whereas top of the pops is for a younger audience so has lots of images on the front cover, bliss and billboard always only feature one person and therefore only have one image on the front as you shouldn't need to have lots of images on the front to attract an older teenage audience. I also found out that the models on the front of the magazines, such as pop groups and artists such as Justin Bieber, One Direction and Taylor swift all wear ordinary clothes, this is due to the fact they are so popular, they do not need to be in bright clothing to stand out on the magazine cover as people instantly know who they are and want to read the magazine.  Also, none of the photos taken of the models have a certain background. Most of the backgrounds that are used in the background of POP music magazines are white backgrounds. This insures that the model stands out from the background and allows the pictures to look like they have been taken in a studio, as well as allowing them to look more professional. I also got ideas on how I can layout my front cover and contents page with the main image in the centre and the rest of the text and of the magazine surrounding the image. 

How much are you going to charge for your magazine and why?

I am going to charge £2.99 for my magazine, as this is an affordable sensible price for my whole target audience. I also based this on the survey that I done which shows that my target audience would pay up to £2.99 for a magazine. Most music magazines cost between £4 and £6, therefore, I believe have a lower price will allow me to stand out against competitors of this genre of music. Also, because my magazine will feature new artists whereas other magazines feature popular artists, I need to ensure that it will be successful, if it is a high price; people aren't going to buy it. 

I think that the best institution to distribute my media product is ‘Immediate Media Company.’ Immediate Media Company is a combined publishing house; it is combined with Origin Publishing and BBC Magazines. The publishing company started distributing in 2011. It publishes over 50 magazine titles including 23 BBC Worldwide titles which have a long term licence as well as publishing over 30 websites.  Immediate Media Company is one of the most popular distribution company's and they are one of the biggest consumer media businesses in the UK and the third largest magazine publisher. Immediate Media Company is an award-winning special interest content and platform company. Their aim is to make everything good quality. People read their content across 36 websites, 58 magazines and they reach over 70 million people. The only music magazine that ‘Immediate Media Company’ currently distributes is ‘Top of the Pops’ which is aimed at a much younger teenage audience, whereas mine is aimed at an older teenage audience. My reason for choosing Immediate Media Company to distribute my magazine is that although they already distribute one POP genre music magazine, this is aimed at a younger audience so have nothing like my magazine. It is also beneficial for the company in many different ways as it allows the company to open up their media products to a wider range of people. Also, my magazine will differentiate the company from others as it only features on artist whereas other magazines normally feature more than one artist.
I have decided that I am only going to have one model on the cover of my page and that I will only have one main image on the page. In total, I am going to have 6 images; this will consist of one main image on the cover, contents and double page spread as well as three other images that will go along the top of the double page spread. The camera that I will use to take my images is a NIKON L81o.
What content will be on your front cover, Table of contents and your double page spread?

Front Cover:
I have decided to have only one main image on the cover of my magazine. My reason for only having one main image on the cover of my magazine is to ensure this model stands out as much as they can and to make the magazine look more professional. I have also decided to have a plane white background of my magazine to conform the background of a typical teenage pop magazine, this will also ensure the model stands out against the background and will catch the reader’s eye. The magazine conventions that I am going to use on the cover of my magazine are a date line, headline, banner, and masthead and cover lines and a bar code. I need to ensure that the colours I use on the cover of the magazine are used throughout my contents page and double page spread, this means that every time the reader looks at one of these magazines, they will recognise the colours used and this will also help me keep to a particular house style for a magazine.

Table of contents:
A contents page tells the reader all of the content that is included in the magazine and allows them to find out what page this content is included on. To help me decide how to layout my contents page and what content to include, I looked at billboard, top of the pops and blender, which are all POP music magazines. Blender only uses one model on their contents page so I decided to focus more on this contents page to help me. I have not decided to use any secondary images because I want the magazine to feature only one main model, otherwise if I use too many images the text that is on the page won’t stand out to the readers and they will just focus on these images rather than the text on the contents page.  I am going to have one main image to the left-centre of the page and all of the text going around the right side of this image, like the blender magazines featuring just one artist/band. All of the page numbers will be in a different colour to the rest of the text on the page and I will have the most important pieces of font in bold text so that the reader doesn't have to read every word on the page to find what they are looking for, which makes it more convenient and will appeal more to them. 

Double page spread:
On my double page spread, I will have one main image on the left hand side of the page, as well as having 3 black and white images going along the top of the right side of the page, above the text. My double page spread will be an interview about the artist that has featured throughout the magazine, which will carry in from the headline that I use on the front cover of my magazine. The interview will be about the new upcoming artist. Before the interview, there will be a smaller piece of text introducing the artist and who she is. I need to ensure the colours that I use are consistent and match the rest of the colours that I have used throughout the magazine. 

Images that I will use for my front cover, table of contents and double page spread:

Front cover:

Table of Contents:

Double Page Spread:

The reason I used these image for the front cover, double page spread and contents pages of my magazine is because the models poses makes her look confident. The front cover image and double page spread images are medium close up shots showing from the models shoulders upwards and she is looking directly into the camera, making the magazine look more inviting and welcoming. The pose also makes her look confident as she is smiling into the camera. Furthermore, the lighting in the images all make the model stand out and isn't too bright. You can also clearly see what the model is wearing as well as the props used in the image (flower crown).

How my images conform other POP magazine images: